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By Pathway/ Policy Area:
Finding Their Feet: Equipping care leavers to reach their potential
Doing our duty? Improving transitions for military leavers
Social Solutions: Enabling grass-roots charities to tackle poverty
Breakthrough Britain 2015 – An overview
Closing the divide: Tackling educational inequality in England
Ambitious for Recovery: Tackling drug and alcohol addiction in the UK
Restoring the Balance: Tackling problem debt
Fully Committed? How government could reverse family breakdown
The journey to work: welfare reform for the next Parliament
Enough is Enough
Sentences in the Community: Reforms to restore credibility, protect the public and cut crime
Meaningful Mentoring
Girls and Gangs
Survival of the fittest? – Improving life chances for care leavers
Something’s got to give: The state of Britain’s voluntary and community sector
Establishing Britain as a world leader in the fight against modern slavery
‘When I get off the phone I feel like I belong to the human race’: Evaluation of the Silver Line Helpline Pilots
Maxed Out: Serious personal debt in Britain
‘I never left care, care left me’: ensuring good corporate parenting into adulthood
Potential for Partnership: Working together to create safer, healthier communities
The New Probation Landscape: Why the voluntary sector matters if we are going to reduce reoffending
Supporting Families, Strengthening Marriage
Requires Improvement: The causes of educational failure
No Quick Fix: Exposing the depth of Britain’s drug and alcohol problem
Up to the Job? : How reforming Jobcentre Plus will tackle worklessness
Turning the Tide: Social justice in five seaside towns
Strengthening relationships to prevent isolation and loneliness in old age
Fractured Families: Why stability matters

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