WATCH LIVE: Bridget Phillipson MP, Education Secretary, Keynote Speech at the Centre for Social Justice

WATCH LIVE: Bridget Phillipson MP, Education Secretary, Keynote Speech at the Centre for Social Justice

Monday 3rd February 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM YouTube Livestream

Watch live from 10am on Monday 3rd February as the Secretary of State for Education, The Rt. Hon. Bridget Phillipson MP, delivers a Keynote Speech on High and Rising Standards in Schools at the Centre for Social Justice.

CSJ research shows that school absence remains at crisis levels, with 157,000 children missing at least 50 per cent of their school time, while 1.5 million miss the equivalent of one morning every week. School exclusions and suspensions have also reached record highs, with other 4,000 pupils permanently excluded in Autumn 2023. With both persistent absence and school exclusion associated with a multitude of negative outcomes, these children cannot be forgotten. The CSJ has conducted extensive research into the reasons behind the school absence and school exclusion crisis, advocating for action to be taken that gets children re-engaged in their education and parents and schools back working in partnership together.


Bridget Phillipson MP

Education Secretary

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