Adrian Crossley
Adrian started his career at the bar as a Prosecutor, having gained a scholarship from the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). Since his call in 2013, Adrian has worked as a Senior Crown Prosecutor in the CPS and as independent counsel, regularly appearing in the Crown Court.
Today, Adrian’s practice includes landlord and tenant disputes, consumer rights actions and personal injury cases. Adrian also has experience of working in public policy, gained through his role as the Head of Addiction and Head of Criminal Justice at the Centre for Social Justice. In this role, he managed 8 policy projects, including ‘Road to Recovery’, ‘Sentencing in the Dock’ and ‘Not a Game’.
Additionally, he has sat on the Expert Review Group for a Home Office Commissioned Independent Review of Drug use in the UK. He has contributed written submissions to various internal government reviews, including the Gambling review, and has appeared before two Select Committees to advocate for policy reforms. He currently volunteers with the Young Lives Foundation in Kent, as an accredited Mentor.